+1 203.767.9295 alisakorenic@gmail.com

The most challenging aspects of out-of-gauge (OOG) cargo shipments are to anticipate and prepare for any issues that may arise – from identifying the proper vessels for height, weight and delivery requirements to monitoring receiving, loading, lashing, stowage and unloading. RTM Lines has the proven expertise to provide these services while always focusing on delivering cargo safely, on time and on budget.

Proper lashing is critically important to help ensure the integrity of oversized cargo during ocean transit. The following is a true story from just a couple of weeks ago when RTM Lines once again saved a customer from the implications of oversized cargo being damaged at sea.

The problem with this shipment started when our client’s cargo of pipes was delivered to the port with improper lashing (see image 1). It was evident to RTM that the cargo was insufficiently secured for a trans-ocean shipment.  We immediately stopped the loading and contacted our customer to alert them to the hazards and liabilities this could cause.

Upon explaining the risks from insufficient and improper lashing as well as the lack of pallets for this break bulk ocean shipment, we learned that our customer succumbed to cost control pressures when they chose the less expensive vendor who delivered inferior services.  This could have exposed our client to open-ended financial implications resulting from damage to: their cargo, other cargo, the ship and ship personnel.

Our client panicked because the heavy cargo needed to make this particular sailing due to letter of credit issues. They had no resources on whom to call to help rectify the situation. So the shipper relied on RTM Lines to come up with a solution and fast.

With 40+ years of combined experience in the ocean shipping industry, RTM has learned to anticipate and prepare for any issues that may arise.  We contacted one of our resources who sent an emergency crew to the port to properly secure this break bulk cargo in time for loading and sailing (see image 2).

Again, RTM Lines provided such a high level of personalized service before the sail that the cargo was delivered to the destination port safely, on time and on budget. That is how RTM Lines takes care of our client shippers.

Every day our global customers entrust us with complex and expensive OOG cargo. The accompanying documentation may declare a specific commercial value for each unit of cargo in the shipment, but we consider the trust our clients place in us to ship their cargo to be priceless.

 Do you have a complex ocean shipment that needs expert attention? Let RTM Lines find the most expeditious, cost-efficient trans-ocean shipping solution for you. Contact RTM now for advice or a quote on any ocean shipments either by visiting our website at www.rtmlines.com or calling us at 203-750-8890.


Johnna Freud — RTM Lines

February, 2017

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